UNIV 7000

Students in UNIV 7000 class


The goal of UNIV 7000 is to help incoming students comfortably transition into their new life at Auburn University and set them on a path to experience a fuller, more culturally integrated life while attending Auburn University. This is accomplished by:

  • Extending key elements of orientation process
  • Helping students understand American values that influence attitudes and behavior,
  • Introducing students to various ways to actively engage local people and culture,
  • Teaching simple techniques for initiating cross-cultural conversations,
  • Instilling new confidence when speaking English to others, and
  • Teaching students where to seek additional help (if needed).

UNIV 7000: International Graduate Experience
CRN (14437); (0 credit hours)
Mondays, 3:00-4:50 pm;
Davis Room 156

Laura HS

Laura Fuller
Graduate School