News: 2013, February 21st

2013 Graduate Scholars Forum to be held Feb. 26-28

Nearly 200 graduate students will present research from a wide range of disciplines at Auburn University’s annual Graduate Scholars Forum Feb. 26-28 in the Student Center.

Since 1992, the Graduate Scholars Forum has brought together graduate students from Auburn’s different schools and colleges to showcase the best of graduate research.

“Auburn’s graduate students take part in many cutting-edge research projects that are addressing real-world problems, such as food safety, cyber security and various health concerns, including cancer, heart disease and diabetes,” Graduate School Dean George Flowers said. “The Graduate Scholars Forum highlights these students’ research projects and provides them with a platform to present their scholarly achievements.”
The three-day forum features oral and poster presentations in four categories: Engineering, Humanities, Sciences and Social Sciences. The top presenters will have the opportunity to present in April at the Graduate Scholars Symposium at Research Week, a campus-wide event that celebrates research and creative scholarship.


The forum not only serves as a showcase for graduate research, but it is also a means of professional development for graduate students.
Jennifer Duggan, executive vice president of the Graduate Student Council and organizer of the Graduate Scholars Forum, said the event gives graduate students invaluable practice communicating highly technical concepts to a general audience.
“The forum is unique because graduate students from all disciplines come together for a couple of days, become submerged in stimulating discussions and challenge one another to look at their own research differently,” Duggan said. “A large part of students’ success stems from the confidence we build as presenters at these conferences, and I am so honored to be able to contribute to such a significant event.”

Last modified: Feb 27, 2024 @ 7:52 pm