News: 2014, October 30th

PhD students to compete in Three Minute Thesis Nov. 12

What happens when graduate students try to condense years of research into a three-minute presentation?
Find out on Wednesday, Nov. 12, at Auburn University’s annual (3MT) competition. Ten doctoral students will compete for cash prizes and the opportunity to represent Auburn University against other universities.
3MT is a research communication competition that challenges doctoral students to effectively communicate their research and its significance to a non-specialist audience in only three minutes. The concept was developed in 2008 by the University of Queensland in Australia and has quickly spread across the world.
“Communicating the significance of our research to non-specialists is an important skill for all academics,” said George Flowers, dean of the Graduate School. “Not only is 3MT a fun competition to watch, but it also highlights the importance of graduate students to Auburn University’s research mission.”
The ten students competing in 3MT were the top competitors during a series of preliminaries held Oct. 13-15.
A five-person panel will judge the competitors based on communication style, comprehension and engagement.
The winner, runner-up and People’s Choice Award winner — determined by audience voting — will receive cash prizes. The winner will also have the chance to represent Auburn at regional 3MT competitions, including the Conference of Southern Graduate Schools’ competition in New Orleans, Louisiana, in March 2015.
Auburn’s 3MT is co-sponsored by the Graduate School and the Graduate Student Council. The competition is free to attend and open to the public.
For more information about 3MT, including a list of competitors and their presentation topics, visit the website at

Last modified: Feb 28, 2024 @ 8:28 pm