News: 2022, January 5

Dai to give Distinguished Graduate Faculty Lecture Jan. 26

AUBURN UNIVERSITY – Foster Dai, Bryghte D. and Patricia M Godbold Endowed Chair Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering, will give Auburn University’s 2021-22 Distinguished Graduate Faculty Lecture on Wednesday, Jan. 26, at 3:00 p.m. in Grand Hall #2 of the Brown-Kopel Engineering Student Achievement Center.

The lecture honors a faculty member who has made significant contributions to graduate education at Auburn University. Dai’s address is titled “Bridging the Real and Digital Worlds – Integrated Circuit Design for Data-Converters.”

“The advances of integrated circuits have powered the information and modern electronics industries for the past 60 years. As the world continues to digitize, data-converter integrated circuits play a critical role to bridge the digital and real worlds,” said Dai. “Education in integrated circuits is vitally important to our future. My work as a faculty member allows me to transfer knowledge to my students so that they can make important contributions in their own rights. The distinguished graduate faculty lecture provides me the opportunity to showcase some of the research achievements resulting from our graduate education program.”

Dai has earned doctoral degrees from both Auburn University and Pennsylvania State University. Prior to joining Auburn in 2002, he spent 6 years in industry, working as the lead radio-frequency integrated circuit (RFIC) engineer and technical manager for companies such as Hughes Electronics, Yafo Networks and Cisco-Cognio. Dai specializes in RFIC designs, monolithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC) designs, as well as digital, analog, and mixed signal integrated circuit (IC) designs. He received the Senior Faculty Research Award from the College of Engineering in 2009. In that same year, he was elected as an Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Fellow “for contributions to high-speed frequency synthesis and radio frequency integrated circuits.” He has served as a guest editor for two IEEE journals, and a technical program committee member or chair for numerous IEEE symposia and conferences.

Dai, a professor in the College of Engineering, is the 47th lecturer in the Distinguished Graduate Faculty Lecture series, which is jointly sponsored by the Graduate School and the Auburn Alumni Association. Since beginning in the 1975-76 academic year, it has developed into a major university lecture series that fosters a better understanding of the scholarly contributions made by Auburn’s faculty. Nominations for the honor are solicited from the university’s faculty, and the recipient is selected by a committee of graduate faculty members. The lecturer receives a $2,000 award from the Auburn Alumni Association and is recognized at Auburn University’s annual Faculty Awards ceremony.

Following the lecture, a reception with light refreshments will be held in Grand Hall #3 of Brown-Kopel. Students, faculty and members of the community are invited to attend. For more information about the Distinguished Graduate Faculty Lecture, visit

Last modified: Apr 23, 2024 @ 12:31 pm