Official Statement of Finances 2016-2017

It is my understanding that the approximate cost of college education for one student at Auburn University for 2016-2017 is $39,430 (U.S. Dollars) for each twelve-month academic year for the student, an additional $4,235 per year for a spouse, and an additional $3,523 for each dependent. This amount is adjusted every year. This includes non-resident tuition, fees, health insurance, room and board, books, and personal expenses. It does not include the cost of transportation to and from the United States. Even though some students may choose not to attend school during the 3-month summer term, they must provide evidence of their ability to pay all expenses incurred per year in order to obtain a Visa Eligibility Certificate (I-20 or DS-2019). Further information is available at

It is hereby declared that _______________________ U.S. Dollars will be available per twelve-month academic year for ____________________________________ as long as he/she is a student (student’s name) at Auburn University.

I have attached hereto a certified statement from my bank or other certified evidence of my capability to fulfill this financial sponsorship. I have also included a list of each dependent who will accompany me, including the name, city and country of birth, date of birth, and country of citizenship.

__________________________________________ ______________________
Signature of responsible financial sponsor                         Date

Sponsor’s printed name: _______________________
Sponsor’s relationship to student: _____________________
Sponsor’s place of employment: ___________________
Sponsor’s mailing address: ____________________

* NOTE TO APPLICANT: Please return this completed form and its attachments with your admission application to:

106 Hargis Hall
Auburn University, AL 36849-5122

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2016-2017 Form

Last modified: Feb 29, 2024 @ 3:17 pm