The ABM program offers outstanding Auburn University students the opportunity to earn both the bachelor’s and the master’s degrees in less time and at less cost than usual. It does so by allowing these exceptional students to count up to 9 hours (in a 30-hour master’s program) or 12 hours (in a 36-hour master’s program) to count toward both degrees.
ABM Development Guidelines for Faculty
For additional information, contact: Maria Witte, Associate Dean,
Current ABM Programs
Eligibility Requirements
Cumulative GPA
- 3.4 or higher
Completed Course Work
- 45 semester hours (minimum)
- 24 semester hours at Auburn (if you are a transfer student)
Departmental Requirements
Individual departments may set additional eligibility requirements. Consult the department for more information.
How to Apply for Admission to ABM Program
- Meet with a departmental advisor to discuss program requirements.
- Complete the ABM program Application Form (including all approvals) and return it to the Graduate School.
- Submit departmental application materials (as required).
Continuation and Graduation Requirements
- Maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher
- Earn a grade of B (3.0) or higher on all double-counted, graduate level courses
- Complete the degree requirements within time limits set by the Graduate School and the degree-granting program
Individual programs may set higher standards for continuation in the program.
Application for Admission to the Graduate School
Students generally will take the GRE and apply for admission to Graduate School at the beginning of the senior year. Students should contact the department for application deadlines as departmental deadlines are often much earlier than the Graduate School’s application deadline.
Students must complete the bachelor’s degree, be admitted to the Graduate School and the degree program before entering the master’s degree program. Admission into the ABM program does not guarantee admission into the Graduate School. Students must still apply for admission to the Graduate School (including submitting the Graduate School application, paying the application fee, and providing transcripts and standardized test scores as required) by the prescribed deadline. Once admitted, students should contact a Graduate School advisor to have graduate level courses applied to the graduate program.
Withdrawal from ABM Program
Students may withdraw voluntarily from the ABM program at any time. Students must notify, in writing, the graduate program officer and the coordinator/director of undergraduate studies in their respective departments. A copy of the request to withdraw from the program should be sent to the Dean of the Graduate School.
Students who withdraw from the program voluntarily or because they do not meet program requirements will not be awarded graduate credit for double-counted courses.
Program Finder

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